Monday, March 16, 2009

amber wolf, lifes story

Me and my family had a huge party for Christmas. Every side of the family came to this party. I was there not having fun but hey at least I heard the music. I was laying on the bed I was at least 8 going to 9 months pregnant. I did not want any ambulance to come get me because of the Christmas party.
My aunts uncle and other people from the family coming to visit me. I was in so much pain that I wanted to wait to the next morning so I took a Tylenol, but only took half of it. It helped it took away half the pain away. I left the house at 7 in the morning. the child was born at 8:45 at night. It was a 14 hours in a hospital.

The doctor said that the child was suppose to me born in the night of Christmas day. Instead my child was born the next day. I named the new born, amber. We went home and then my dad wanted to hold the child, so did my mom. they talked and talked.
When my daughter was 3 or 4 she had a terrible accident in her life. it was hard to think and talk about around me. So she had went on the top of the porch and the side of the house they have the railing, since my younger sister was out there , amber decided to go out there. she started playing on it -my aunt went back in the house with out me noticing it- the next thing you know it, she was on the cement floor on top of the railing. Amber had feel 7 feet from where she had fallen.
I was scared running down the stairs. Soon the ambulance came took me inside the house. It was hard for them to move amber because her head started to hurt within seconds. So they had to pick her up slowly and slide her onto the bed like moving thing. By the time they were done with me they said I had a crack in the school, a broken foot and short term memory lost. She was stuck in the hospital for a week to make sure that she can walk and see. It was a terrifying day/week for the family and myself.
They said that she would not be able to talk, read or write, despite of her injury. As the years passed she has proved them all wrong. She was able to write read and talk. But on the talking part she had trouble. When she had turned 7 or 8. I went to camp over the summer. She told me that camp is really fun. The day that the a field trip to a roller skating rink that every body had fun besides her. She had another accident. She had fell on her had cracked her wrist bone. She had a cast on her arm for 2 months.
Since then she had a good life. 5 years that nothing happened. Until yesterday,her dad and Amber had went to go get food. She told me the story. It goes like this.
Amber and her dad went out to get something. Since people have to pull over for fire trucks, ambulance and police cars. So her dad pulled over for the firetruck and the car behind us didn’t stop until the last mintue and ran into the car. she was in the passenger seat and her dad driving. then her dad called 911 they got there they asked her questions to make sure she was okay. then to her dad. then i came and then she left with me. her dad had to stay. the guy that was driving the other car failed that drinking test, so he is being charged for that, and he has to go to court because he failed the test and because he hit the car. are car didnt get any damage only like one spot but the other car got terribly dmage. she was fine to the next day coming from school from back pain from the crash. so this is her life.

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